An Eames Anthology

The book is collection of letters, notes, speeches, articles from and about Charles and Ray Eames. Completing this book was unexpectedly bittersweet. It felt as though I had lived alongside these two wonderful people, immersed in their ideas.

While this book is mainly about the Eames family and their work, it can offer so much more. For me, it’s a book about philosophy of design. If you ever wondered how to unite form and function or what a good design means, then this book might be for you.

Many times they were able to capture the essence of what I believe in but don’t have words for. Below are some of the pieces I liked the most.

The first step in design, that of determining the need, is a very hazardous undertaking. It is not simple, even the most sincere can easily confuse the actual need with the traditional idea of need and be led off on a hopeless tangent.

I liked the following short piece because I’ve been thinking the same for long. You can’t just close your laptop and stop being a designer. The designer’s approach to problem solving permeates his life. I don’t know how it can be otherwise.

Design is a full time job.

The next one is interesting because Herman Miller and Vitra (who are official distrubutor of Eames furniture in the US and Europe) price and sell their furniture as luxury items. One can even argue that replicas are closer to the original than what Herman Miller and Vitra sell now.

The objective is the simple thing of getting the best to the greatest number of people for the least.

These ones on copying.

Now, you may reuse something else, but if you do it sort of knowingly, as the best solution of that problem as you see it at the time, it’s not a cliche. And anyone who would avoid using something just because it has been used before would be knowingly not creating the best solution, if in his mind he knew it was the best thing to do and he was not doing it because he knew it had been done before.

It would be nice if people improved on a piece of furniture when set out to copy it. Unfortunately, they are not usually concerned with quality.

On creativity in design.

To my mind crafts seem to suffer more from overdoses of originality in design rather than from lack of this.

And on the design process.

The idea of design as a development of progressive sketches is romantic and not very accurate.

It is more an optimizing process that is apt to start from a series of hunches which are either developed or discared by purely intellectual means long before any skethch or model is made.

When these hunches finally begin to combine in such a way that they seem to satisfy more aspect of the problem than any one has a right to expect, then this is the beginning of a concept.

When the concept is formed it represents about 5 percent of the design effort — the remaining 95 percent of the effort being used to keep the concept from falling apart.

And the best one is this Q&A with Charles Eames.

Keeping Aspect Ratios in Figma

Figma doesn’t have a built-in feature to set constraints for frames to support specific aspect ratios like 4:3 or 16:9. But I found a way to get around this limitation.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Create two frames. The outer frame will be the image container, while the inner frame will be responsible for keeping the desired aspect ratio.
  2. Set the outer frame’s width to either fill or fixed and its height to hug.
  3. For the inner frame, set its width to fill and its height to 0, essentially making it invisible.
  4. Now, rotate the inner frame by a specific angle based on the aspect ratio you want.

You can calculate this angle using the formula:

angle = arctan(height/width)

For instance, if you’re aiming for a 4:3 aspect ratio, the calculation would be:

angle = arctan(3/4) = 36.87°

Here’s the table of aspect ratios and their corresponding angles:

Aspect Ratio Angle
1:1 45°
3:2 33.69°
4:3 36.87°
16:9 29.36°
2:3 56.31°
3:4 53.13°
9:16 60.64°

Why this works?

This is likely due to a bug (or perhaps a feature?) in Figma. The bug is that if you rotate a frame inside of an auto layout, its width will be set to the width of the outer container, even if it’s rotated.

Bug Example
The width of the inner frame stays the same even after rotation

Changing the width of the outer frame also alters the width of the inner frame, which changes the height of the inner frame, which in turn changes the height of the outer frame. The extent of these changes depends on the angle.

Case-study: Dunnes

Buymie is an online grocery delivery app that has gained popularity in recent years, but it suffers from several usability issues that prevent it from fully meeting user needs.

By creating a better solution that addresses these issues, the app has the potential to increase user satisfaction and drive revenue for the business. This design case study explores the opportunity to improve the user experience and user interface of Buymie, now Dunnes.

Preview of the redesigned app

Problem and User Research

For my problem research, I talked with a few people who order groceries online. I also relied on my own experience since I’m a frequent online grocery shopper.

In addition, I reviewed publicly available research findings to better understand industry trends and best practices. The most interesting study was “What information do consumers consider, and how do they look for it, when shopping for groceries online?” as it provides information on how people do groceries online.

Combining user research, personal experience, and publicly available research findings provided a more solid foundation for making informed decisions in the light of limited data.

Research findings from the mentioned paper


Based on my research and analysis, I identified several key issues with the current app, such as confusing navigation and poor layout, limited search functionality, poor checkout process, and inconsistent branding and design.

To address these issues and improve the user experience, I focused on redesigning the main screen for navigation, the search screen, the item card screen, and the shopping cart screen.

While there are certainly other areas of the app that could be improved, I chose to prioritize these screens as they provide core functionality and can serve as the foundation for other screen designs.

Design research

I researched other applications that presented content in any form, such as online cinemas, podcasts, music on demand, and other online shopping apps. Additionally, I looked at apps that work with food, such as nutritional assistants, fitness apps, and diet apps.

Navigation relies on recognition. So people choose to use naviation when they know the exact path to the item. To make navigation easier, I focused on placing items where people expect to find them.

The first step was to group similar categories together. Such groups allow placing similar categories closer to each other.

Grouped rectangular cards are more flexible and take less space than squares

To design a good navigation system, it is important to place items where people expect to find them. In the current version of the app, items are often placed according to their “true” category, which may not align with users’ mental models. To address this, I conducted a card sorting exercise to group categories together in a way that reflects how people think about them.

To aid in the recognition process, I color-coded similar categories based on people’s associations with certain colors. For example, I used blue for dairy products and red for meat. This color-coding system helps users quickly identify the categories they are looking for.

Furthermore, I considered the fact that people often purchase the same products repeatedly, so I designed the navigation to allow users to easily find and access their previous orders.

Searching provides a more flexible strategy for finding items, as it allows users to reach an item using any part of the name (e.g. brand, type of product) that they happen to remember.

When people get to the search screen, they are trying to find something. It is possible to use the empty state to “predict” what they are looking for and show shortcuts.

Empty search state predicts what a person wants to accomplish and provides quick ways to do it

People also rely on search when they want to find a category by its name. If the search provides such results, then people learn these patterns and the search becomes part of the navigation system itself.

Product card and shopping cart

For the product screen, I prioritized the information based on the research. The most important information, such as product photo, price, price per kg or liter, and nutritional information, was made more visible. To enhance the user experience, the product screen is presented as a modal sheet, allowing users to easily “peek” at the product information without being taken to another screen.

Similarly, for the shopping cart screen, I prioritized the information by placing the delivery address closer to the top so that it remains visible even when a user has a long list of groceries. This way, users can easily confirm their delivery address before checking out.


In summary, the app was redesigned to address several key issues, including confusing navigation and poor layout, limited search functionality, poor checkout process, and inconsistent branding and design.

Next steps include conducting usability testing with a small group of users to gather feedback and make any necessary adjustments before launching the updated app. Additionally, ongoing monitoring of user feedback and behavior will inform future updates to continue improving the app’s user experience.

Learning about Reinforcement Learning

It took me more than two months to understand how these 48 lines of code work. It’s a policy-based algorithm, which means that it does not try to predict future rewards and choose actions that would produce the highest rewards. Instead, REINFORCE learns to take an action based on the current state, aiming for an optimal policy. This policy is approximated using a neural network.

The policy learns to balance the pole (starts at 20 sec)

It’s been very fun to learn about neural nets and reinforcement learning algorithms. Code implemented along the way is available at ai-playground.

Enabling LaTeX support for Mnemosyne on MacOS

Mnemosyne doesn’t support LaTeX by default. It requires two additional packages — latex and dvipng.

First, install the lightweight version of TeX that has latex binary:

brew install --cask basictex

Then, update the package manager and install the dvipng package:

sudo tlmgr update --self
sudo tlmgr install dvipng

Mnemosyne fails to find executables in their installation locations on MacOS. Therefore, we need to specify these location in the configuration file first.

Get the full path to the installed binaries:

which latex
which dvipng

This should return:


Use the locations of latex and dvipng in /Library/Mnemosyne/

# Latex command.
latex = "/Library/TeX/texbin/latex -interaction=nonstopmode"

# Latex dvipng command.
dvipng = "/Library/TeX/texbin/dvipng -D 200 -T tight tmp.dvi"